Where do I report a broken/duplicate link?
Why aren't there more posts?
Why does this blog exist?
What is Metro?
I'm new to metro. HELP!
There's a lot of links, how do I keep track of it all?
What about cities that don't RTF (or stopped playing)?
How do you quickly pop/ent this list?
How do I get my city on this list?
What are snippets?
Why is my city here/not here?
Can I get on the Favorite Cities list?
Want to thank the blog creator?
What if I don't want to be listed?
I don't see my question here!
Want to contact us?
Want to be an admin and help run this blog?
Where do I report a broken/duplicate link?
Send us an email.
Why aren't there more posts?
Each post contains a very large number of links which mean that even a single post is a lot to scroll through, and hence it was decided to only show one day's worth of posts at a time. Many pages of links still exist, but you will need to look in the Blog Archive (in the right sidebar) to find them.
Why does this blog exist?
I wanted to create a place where I could easily access links to many Metro cities for the fastest possible mass pop/ent. I thought others might like it too.
What is Metro?
I'll have to refer you to the Metropolis Forums and Facebook application page.
I'm new to metro. HELP!
We plan to have a Metro help section here someday, but in the meantime, here are some good guides:
* The Metro creators two cents.
* The Metro Forum section especially for new players. Especially this topic.
* Aaryn's FAQ.
* Jeff's FAQ.
* If you're still lost, try asking in the Metro Forums or send us your question.
There's a lot of links, how do I keep track of it all?
Firstly, if you're a new visitor, I recommend that you start with the Master Link List. This will get you started with every past link you could want. If you've already visited every city on the Master Link List then you want to check out any posts that say, "New Links."
What about cities that don't RTF (or stopped playing)?
So far, we haven't tried to filter cities that don't RTF because the big push has been to get a large list in place. If you have cities that you know are not pop/enting you back (or have stopped playing all together), please send us the city name and URL so that we can follow up.
How do you quickly pop/ent this list?
Instead, I offer the following steps, or check these recommendations.
1. Get Firefox
2. Install the Linky Add-on
3. Once you have Linky, you can highlight a list of links and right click (sorry, don't know the Mac version) what you've highlighted. Linky lets you open all the links you have highlighted in new tabs. IMPORTANT: too many links at one time will basically choke firefox to death, the Metro admins have limited the time you have to open a city page until the pop link is gone, and this is third party so I can't guarantee your results. By way of recommendation, about 20 or 30 links at one time is a good number to keep things from bogging down too much.
4. Use a couple of hotkeys to speed yourself up. Ctrl+Tab will move you from one open tab to the next (and yes, when you get to the last tab, it goes back to the first). Crtl+W will close the tab you are currently looking at. Using [one/the other/some combination of the two] will allow you to basically leave your mouse over the spot where the pop link comes up so you can pop with one hand and hotkey move from city to city with the other.
(5) I also use F5 as a hotkey to refresh cities that failed to load, then Ctrl+Tab to go immediately to the next city. That way bad loads get fixed while I'm being productive in other cities instead of waiting around.
How do I get my city on this list?
Easy, send us the link to your city, city name, and 20 non-connected snippets (don't worry about format, you can just copy and paste straight from your feed page), then please pop the blog creator!
What are snippets?
Just basically copy and paste one page of your feed. There are also some fantastic instructions to be found in the forums. I do request that you send non-connected snippets because these people did more that just pop their connected cities: they either play enough to have a gold membership or they manually popped you.
Why is my city here/not here?
The cities on this link list are cities I have personally had interactions with, you have requested to be listed, or someone included a link to your city when they requested to be listed. Remove me please. Add me please.
Can I get on the Favorite Cities list?
Yes, you can. There are two ways:
1. Let us know that you post snippets like crazy on your wall and keep us up to date on when new snippets are up.
2. Send us an email with all the snippets you can get. If you can send in 100 or more new links, you'll be there. Please include your city link in all communications.
Want to thank the blog creator?
Send favor points to the blog creator!
He also likes to be popped!
What if I don't want to be listed?
Send the blog creator a Facebook Message with the subject "Link Removal." Include your city link and city name. I will verify you actually are the owner of the city and remove you from the list.
I don't see my question here!
You might want to check the Metropolis Forums or we're always happy to have you ask us directly.
Have more questions or just want to contact us?
Feedback is greatly appreciated! Please include your city link and name in all email messages.
Want to be an admin and help run this blog?
See the above links for contacting us. If you already post snippets on your wall, we want you!